Upcoming Productions

A rare hybrid of the dread of the SLEEPING WITH THE ENEMY, A STAR IS BORN and a self discovery of EAT, PRAY, LOVE.

Inspired by true events, we aim to help and inspire humanity. 

Chrysalis is an original searing and thought provoking experience through a woman's journey, through darkness and despair into a discovery of what can be possible regardless of what life throws at you. Inspired by true events, we bring both harrowing and exultant moments from life experiences of run-for-your-life survival and epic journey for salvation to life. 

This suspense, drama, psychological thriller driven film will take you through a roller coaster of emotions in this entangled relationship. It will have you laughing, crying, screaming at the screen holding on tight to your chair as we take this ride, You won't be able to step away from the moment of action, drama, thriller and romance that draws you in closer to the pain, the pleasure, the fear and the longing.

Chrysalis encapsulates mental health, addictions, family violence and the ripple affect to loved ones that surround them.

Chrysalis takes you through the characters journey 'Ella - Shaye and Johnny,' who share an intense love and passion that burns like fire, where their love and chemistry they have for one another is undeniably the love of their lives, to a fight for survival and fear for her life and that of their family.

We follow Shaye on her path for survival, where she is wondering how she got here, questioning her reality, asking herself, is this all one big dream that she will wake up from? We follow Johnny's journey- his undying love that he has for her, where he loves her with his entire being and nothing in this world he loves more than her, yet unexpectant events spiral of the blink of an eye which leaves her feeling lost, numb, hurt, angry, bitter and resentful. We follow johnny on his path, battling his inner demons that he hasn't dealt with through addictions and struggling in his world to stay alive. The one thing he wants the most is her, she is the most precious thing to him that keeps him fighting for his life, their passionate love they share is motivating him for survival yet his actions unconsciously pushes her away then we see the obstacles both Shaye and Johnny encounter when he is fighting to get it all back..

Shaye questions what to do next with her life and that of her family after experiencing Johnny's obsessive behaviour that leads her to question her own sanity, where tragic events take place how her life was not the same, yet the love was so undeniably powerful between them. The audience will follow both Shaye and Johnny's journey, where we see love, loss, sorrow, pain and tragedy.